Staff Records Know your staff better

Make informed decisions faster. Quickly respond to any medical emergency, or know who to deploy to a location.

View deployment history, training and contact details all in one page

Staff can update their N.O.K. and medical records from the app which can be approved by HR.

With an instant understanding of where your staff have worked recently, you can make informed decisions about their work rota.

NEW during the pandemic, medical history can now flag COVID-19 concerns or illnesses so you can operate COVID-SAFE.

A graphic of a lady beig able to analyse intelegence on the Falcon DHQ platform.

User inputted profiles improves accuracy and reduces cost

A graphic of people collaborating using Falcon DHQ mobile App.

Full Staff Vetting with photo verification of users & docs

A graphic of people collaborating using Falcon DHQ mobile App.

HR has a full overview and can access remotely 24/7

Your Compliance Toolkit

Update Training

Ensure your staff have up-to-date and adequate training for the roles needed. A simple to use internal training records manager keeps you compliant. Organisational training videos and questionnaires can be configured to meet your own training schedule.


Our built in vetting platform ensures you have approved the licenses held by any security operator before deploying them to work. FalconDHQ will always keep you up to date on up coming license renewals.

Audit & Digital Logbooks

Forget paper, turn digital with our best in class daily operations & mandatory reporting tools. The App offers geo-tagged reporting tools providing management with a real-time and historic world view across your sites and organisation. All items can be searched, grouped and even heat mapped.

See how you can save

Now more than ever we need to use technology to support compliance, to remove repetition and duplication while ensuring happy clients. This compliance toolkit help protect your bottom line.