Simple. Safe. Secure.

Everything is easier to report

Finally. It is easy to report things.

Our 3 tap 3 Second Reporting makes reporting so simple that it becomes super prevalent.

With reporting being more common it becomes de-risked, so users report more things, knowing it can be escalated or deescalated by control.

With self-flagging, non urgent reports aren't prioritised - meaning control room staff can focus on urgent issues.

There is no limit to what can be reported, from maintenance issues, to hostile recon and welfare concerns. The super simple and mighty powerful app tracks user location and ensures situations are managed appropriately through to conclusion.

Oh, and did we mention it has 2-way image capture capabilities meaning you can attach images to reports or share information with control.

All within the app. All super secure.

Reports have never been so useful.

Reporting becomes second nature

Have more data to make better informed decisions.

Your staff have more confidence to report the little things. Which can actually be a big thing, just they didn't know.

With over 22k reports per site per year you can track and monitor trends you didn't know existed.

Each report is automatically categorised and sorted and can be given a customisable tag.

The insights powered by this data creates amazing business management intelligence, alongside real-time knowledge which can be actioned immediately.

App and Desktop users have powerful tools to alert of incidents, maintenance issues, and compliance concerns - all with push button simplicity.

The only thing more natural is breathing.

is now visual

Everything you need to know, when you need to know it.

Resolve incidents faster, smarter, and with confidence because you have all the information required at your fingertips.

Achieve full situational awareness, thanks to the prevalence in on the ground information combined with in depth intelligence reports from site managers or auditors.

From your visual dashboard you can see reports and control users at the touch of a button.

Immediately understand the full picture with real-time reporting incident highlighting combined with 2-way live intelligence sharing, you can make informed decisions in an instant.

The IMS creates safer, smarter, more secure environments for all.

Tried. Tested. Trusted.

A graphic of a lady beig able to analyse intelligence on the Falcon DHQ platform.

Fully Auditable Data

GDPR Compliant

A graphic of people being in sync across all their teams and departments thanks to Falcon DHQ.

A graphic of people collaborating using Falcon DHQ mobile App.

Partner Integrations

Your IMS Incident Management Suite

Part of the Falcon Digital Headquarters Platform

  • Guard and Staff App
  • Works offline
  • No control room install
  • Set user group hierarchy
  • Assign staff and other resources to incidents
  • Start a report in the office, finish in the field
  • Add unlimited intelligence items to reports
  • Send/Receive updated AI's
  • Provide client transparency
  • See what is important to you, instantly
  • Save time with auto email/push notifications
  • Full audit trail
  • All items can be exported to create BI documents

Falcon Digital Headquarters is a universally compatible mobile and desktop app that collects, indexes and archives legally required information, imputed from security operatives and staff members with ‘push button’ simplicity. Archived in seconds not hours, in a robust, resilient and simple manner.