Back Office Tools For a smarter, more efficient back office

Back Office shouldn't mean BLAND Office.
Make the mundane fundane. Complete tasks much faster and feel way more rewarded.

Having a tech driven back office means you complete tasks faster and with more accuracy, reducing errors and saving you money.

Remote management in real time - Now, more than ever, a resilient platform to effectively manage operations is essential. In this time of unprecedented uncertainty and risk, we are working hard to provide solutions to reduce the amount of contact your essential staff have. With this in mind FalconDHQ allows you to easily schedule and deploy your staff whilst the platform automates your payroll for you.

FalconDHQ will also store all your important documents within the platform, ensuring easy access and sharing across your workforce.

Your Back Office Tools


Simplicity is always essential when managing multiple schedules.
We virtually automate this process by creating it once and being able to duplicate across all your sites. Importantly, the platform only displays staff suitable for the role.


Verify, authorise, export. Done. Payroll couldn't be made simpler.
FalconDHQ turns your rosta into your payroll export once the guard has finished their shift and highlights any latenesses or early leavers with the geolocated shift manager.

Document &

Save endless hours finding the latest documents and making sure your staff members have all received and signed them. With the click of a button you can share any document, to any colleague, on any site. Whats more, you also get a read and sign receipt.

Tool Box

In this time of unprecedented uncertainty and risk, we are working hard to provide solutions to reduce the amount of contact your essential staff have. What better place to start than the ability to have your management team or individual site managers working remotely.