× Platform sunset: The Falcon DHQ platform will be fully sunset to the public on 31/08/2023. This is an archived site and no warranties are provided for the accuracy of the content. For everything, we say to you: Thank you! Merci! Gracias! Grazie! Danke! Tack! Dankjewel! ありがとう! 감사합니다! Always be kind and do the right thing. #SmarterIsSafer.

Simple. Safe. Secure.

Total Clarity

FalconDHQ - the operations and mandatory reporting platform.

We help you understand dynamics of any situation while being able to take appropriate actions as it unfolds.

See reports and control users at the touch of a button and understand the full picture, immediately.

Full Control

One simple to use best in class platform.

For crisis management and workforce coordination, there isn’t a better option.

A super simple staff app and web dashboard give you intel when you need it most.

Completely Yours

Command and Control decisions are made faster, and with confidence.

The platform you use is tailored exactly to your organisational requirements.

From patrol route reporting to AI's and site reporting particulars, Intelligence has never been so smart.

Your Productivity and Compliance Heaven

A graphic of a lady beig able to analyse intelegence on the Falcon DHQ platform.

Reduce Costs

Save endless hours completing administrative tasks. FalconDHQ automates a wide range of current manual processes making your operations run as efficiently and smoothly as possible. The platform highlights high spend areas and options to reduce costs.

Have Happier Clients

Better shift performance and a higher punctuality percent. Provide a better service to your clients with customer insights portal. Create transparent relationships that enable you to gain and retain more customers.

A graphic of people being in sync across all their teams and departments thanks to Falcon DHQ.

A graphic of people collaborating using Falcon DHQ mobile App.

Work Smarter

Its the 21st century, let technology help your business. FalconDHQ will overhaul and revolutionise your daily operations by addressing the need to modernise and simplify the existing mandatory paper based processes and turning non-computed information into usable real-time tangible data.


Built with common sense and logic.

We are Falcon DHQ, and our technology makes it easier for everyone to be safer. We provide cloud-based real-time situation and workforce management solutions to the private security industry, and beyond.

Since 2015 our centralised platform for security and site management has been making places safer, smarter, and more secure - while protecting everyones bottom line.

Enjoy total peace of mind knowing that all of the dots have been connected. Your staff, customers, and contractors are all connected to your eco-system; eliminating missed errors, unnoticed maintenance requests, staffing issues, and removing completely the need for unhelpful email chains.

Feel totally reassured knowing that your staff are safe and can get help whenever they need it. Your staff know this too, which makes everyone feel - and be - safer.

It is so easy to use, and comes with advanced analytics and crime mapping combined with time series monitoring and geostats; creating the most robust security environment available.

You can check your Falcon DHQ anytime, from anywhere.

There has never been a more important time to be saving money, strengthening client relationships, and ensuring your staff members are safe at work.

With public safety at its peak, you can rest easier knowing you’re in full control. Whether you’re a building manager, head of a security company, a security officer on shift, or a member of staff, Falcon DHQ makes it easier for everyone to be safer.